June 24th 2021 - La Fabrique Évènementielle, Paris - Hybrid event
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What is DataXDay?
“DataXDay is a technical conference for enthusiasts and professionals from the world of data. Our goal is to dive deeply into some of the hottest technical subjects at the crossroad between Data Science, Data Engineering, Cloud Computing, Craftsmanship and Security.. 350 + attendees (Data Scientist, Data Engineer, Data Architect, CTO, etc.) will be part of this third edition.”
Organized by and for Data lovers, come deepen your knowledge and discover talks on innovative topics related to Data!
+∞ attendees
With this hybrid format, we can welcome more Data lovers than ever before! Come and let’s talk about data!
For developers and tech leads
More than 15 technical conferences, hands-on et testimonies.
Save the date
Thursday June 24th from 9 a.m to 6 p.m on site and on remote ! Spend these slots on enjoying talks from renowned speakers and sharing your ideas on what the future holds.
what are we talking about?
During this day, there will be successive technical talks and feedbacks about the Data universe.
You will find deliberately hybrid issues between Data Engineering & Data Sciencesuch as Data Architecturesin the Cloud, ML in production, Data Security; as well as points of attention on certain specificities such as the latest Deep/Reinforcement learning frameworks or even real time Data processing.
Are you a Data Engineer, Data Scientist, Data Ops or simply a Data Lover?
Then the DataXDay sessions are made for you! With enriching and leading edge conferences on Data topics, come discover, learn and get inspired by different innovative talks and exchange with renowned speakers!
Return of the Event !
In a few days, Event, as we know them, will make a big comeback for DataXDay. Thursday, June 24, we are expecting many of you (in compliance with sanitary rules at La Fabrique Evénementielle - 52 rue des vinaigriers Paris 10. This year we are offering 3 conference formats to best meet your expectations.
This year we are offering 3 conference formats to best meet your expectations.

Hybrid format
What is it about?
On June 24, you can go to La Fabrique Evenémentielle to experience an exceptional day: physically meet the speakers, get to know other datalovers, enjoy a buffet (redesigned with sanitary rules) or even dive into a parallel universe with a 100% neon theme! In addition to that you will be able, during 2 weeks to see and review all the slots offered in the program, from a dedicated plateforme!
How much: 50 euros!
+: it's the team's favorite!

Face-to-face format
What is it about?
On June 24, you can go to La Fabrique Evenémentielle to experience an exceptional day: physically meet the speakers, get to know other datalovers, enjoy a buffet (redesigned with sanitary rules) or even dive into a parallel universe with a 100% neon theme!
How much: 40 euros!
+: it’s perfect for parisians !

Remote format
What is it about?
From June 24, and for 2 weeks, you will be able to see and review the slots of the entire program from a dedicated platform!
How much: 15 euros!
+: it’s perfect for datalovers who live abroad!
The conference in pictures

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This conference is brought to you by Publicis Sapient.
+33 (0)1 53 89 99 99
DataXDay is a technical conference for enthusiasts and professionals from the world of data.
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